Every website owner wants to be the top search result on Google. We all know that this is where you gain traffic and you can make sales. But we also know that getting there can be a difficult journey. It is going to take a lot of hard work and consistency to achieve that number one spot. In fact, sometimes, it can take years to just get to the first of Google.
Something you have to realise is that Google ranking factors can change. If you are following an old SEO strategy you have used for a long time, it might be becoming less effective. This could be why you are not achieving the results you want. So, here are four Google ranking factors that people are forgetting about.
The Most Important Google Ranking Factors That People Forget About
Fresh and Quality Content
We all know that the content on your website is important and something that Google will consider when ranking your website. But, things have changed over the years and it is not all about keywords and how often you use them. Instead, Google wants to prioritise content that is high-quality and when it brings something new to the table. The search engine does not want to see duplicated or unoriginal content.
Thus, in order to rank well, you need to be creating content that is well-researched and unique. What’s more, this has to be done on a regular basis. Google will prioritise content that is new and recently published. If you need help with SEO and creating content, you can hire ClickSlice to take care of this for you. As an award-winning agency, the team knows what it takes to create content Google wants to see and this can help your website to rank highly and be seen by relevant users.
The Loading Speed of Your Site
We all know that having a fast website is important. People will see your site, click on the link and expect instant information. They do not hang around and wait for it to load. Even just a few seconds can make a difference. But, not a lot of people realise that this is more than just a user experience thing. It is actually something Google cares about too.
Indeed, the loading speed of your website is a ranking factor. This means that you have to take it seriously. Thankfully, there are plenty of tools out there that allow you to test your site speed and make changes. Remember, you want to rank higher than your competitors on Google. Plus, you want to ensure people are satisfied and stay on your site.
The Backlinks You Have
Have you heard of backlinks before? If the answer is no, this is something that you are going to want to become acquainted with. Google counts backlinks as a ranking factor, which means it is going to be important if you want to feature on the first page of search results. Essentially, backlinks can be referred to as inbound links. This is when another website links to your site. It is often thought of as a digital recommendation. It Tells Google that you have something good and valuable on your website.
So, you want to make sure that you have backlinks. The best way to do this is by creating quality content that people are going to want to link to. What’s more, you can create guest posts for other sites and include a link back to your web pages. This should be in a natural way, which will also encourage readers to see what you are all about.

Mobile Friendly Design
Almost everybody has a smartphone. This means that more people are using their mobile in order to search for products and services on the internet. Google is aware of this, and they are only going to rank websites that are mobile-friendly. This means that the web pages load quickly, as well as have the right design to be viewed on a mobile.
Therefore, you need to make sure that the design of your website is mobile-friendly. This is going to encourage Google to improve your ranking and ensure that the right users are able to find you online. Thankfully, there are many platforms out there that offer mobile-friendly themes and templates. So, this is something that you can easily do.
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