Using Stock Images
It is alright to make use of stock images nevertheless, designers should use them sparingly. When they use quite a lot of stock photos, their project could look unprofessional and even low-cost at times. In addition, there are various stock images that may be recognized straight away by viewers since they see them on a regular basis.
For instance, imagine a packaging design that has a stock image. Consumers will probably not buy this product since they’d think that the product’s quality could also be just as inferior at its design.
While graphic designing and writing are two very different professions, it doesn’t necessarily mean that graphic designers are excused to misspell words.
They might imagine that they will just run a fast spell check and this is sweet enough but quite a lot of spell check systems can overlook graphic design mistakes. As an advice, designers should pay close attention to details and go over their project before having it printed.
As an example, when leaflets are distributed as a part of an ad campaign, there needs to be minimal spelling mistakes if any, in the text. (*5*), it will fail. Customers are sometimes unforgiving with regards to such mistakes. They may not mind the business in any respect since spelling mistakes show a scarcity of professionalism.
Kerning Fonts
Most people should not conversant in the term kerning though it is easy to underhand. This is a typography process, where the spacing between letters/characters is robotically or manually adjusted.
Kerning is crucial in certain situations since when space is adjusted been letters/characters, this makes wording legible and easier on the eyes. However, when kerning is misused and never paid close attention to, this could result in major problems akin to misinterpretation and damage to a design’s continuity.
Grammar Issues
Aside from spelling mistakes, designers should see to it that the project comes with the proper grammar. Misused punctuation marks like a comma may look like a minor issue but a small error akin to that may let quite a lot of people ignore the entire project.
Designing For Themselves
Lastly, designers should keep in mind that they’re designing for his or her clients. No matter whom they’re working with or what they’re working on, it’s imperative that they follow the instructions of their clients and never make changes simply because these make it look loads higher.
As the saying goes, customers are all the time right and since they pay for creating their graphic design, it’s the job of designers to assist them accomplish their goal.